Rabu, 13 Januari 2021



In this blog i'll share about cause-effect. 

What Is the Cause-Effect?


Cause-effect is a concept that describes the relationship between two or more situations that cause each other and are caused by one another. "Cause" tells about why something happened, and "effect" talks about what happened.

Many English words are used to connect "cause" and "effect". Some of the conjunctions include "because (of)" and "when" which can be placed in front of or in the middle of a written sentence or conversation, as well as "so" and "therefore / as a result (of)" which can be placed in the middle of a sentence, and many more.

The conjunction "and" can also be used to connect two or more "causes" or "effects".

To see how the cause-effect concept is applied, we will first look at an example of applying the cause-effect in a sentence at the next point of this article.



  • Because it is raining, she just stay at home.
  • Because it was raining , he just stayed home)
  • Momo went to bed because she was sleepy .
  • (Momo goes to sleep because he is sleepy)
  • Momo failed in her test because she didn't study.
  • (Momo failed his test because he didn't study )

Because of

  • Because of you, I'm happy.
  • Because of you, I'm happy)
  • We were bored because of the speech.
  • We're tired of the speech )
  • People can get sick because of germs. 
  • ( people can get sick because the germs )

As a result of

  • The flight was delayed as a result of fog.
  • Flight delayed as a result of fog )
  • Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.
  • Her hair started to fall out as a result of radiation treatment )
  • The flood came as a result of the heavy rains.
  • ( The Flood came as a result of heavy rains )

On account of

  • The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.
  • (The president refuses to deliver the speech himself,on account of sore throat )
  • A newly-married couple, he thought, on account of their walking so close together.
  • ( A Newly married couple, he thought, on account of their walked so close )

Due to

  • He was absence due to his illness.
  • (He was absent because of his illness )
  • Due to a lot of job, my father comes home late tonight.
  • Due to the piling up of tasks, my father came home late tonight)
  • The old man was lost his foot, due to car accident.
  • (The old man lost his leg, in a car accident)
  • Due to the lack of water, my flowers don't grow well.
  • Due to lack of water, my flowers don't grow well)

Thanks to

  • Thanks to his hard work, he is now a very successful businessman.
  • Thanks to his hard work, he is now a very successful entrepreneur)
  • She was able to go to college thanks for the scholarship.
  • (He was able to study thanks to a scholarship )
  • Thanks to the win, we soon reached the island.
  • Thanks to the wind, we will soon arrive at the island)


  • She can't read the letter as she is illiterate.
  • (She can't read letters as he is illiterate )
  • As she saw her father, she suddenly smiling.
  • As she saw his father, he suddenly smiles )
  • She deserved to get it , as what she already did .
  • (She deserves it, as what he has done)


  • Momo started screaming since she saw an ufo in the air.
  • Momo started screaming since a saw ufo in the air )
  • The police arrested him since he robed in the bank.
  • ( The police arrested him since he robed in the bank)
  • Since his father told him so , he went abroad .
  • ( Since his father said like that, he went wandering)

So that

  • She did it so that you realize your fault.
  • (She did it so that you would realize your fault)
  • I buy you a phone so that you can communicate with me.
  • (I buy you a phone so that you can communicate with me)

As a result

  • He always saves all his earnings As a result , his big luxury uphill mansion .
  • (He always saved all his income. As a result , a large and magnificent castle on top of his cliff)
  • That old man always talks nonsense As a result , the resident call him 'Shitty' .
  • (The old man always talks nonsense. As a result , the residents call him a 'liar')


  • He was a street racer back in that day , consequently , his broken legs .
  • (He was a street racer at the time, consequently , a broken leg)
  • He didn't study , consequently, he got the bad scores.
  • (He doesn't study, consequently , he gets bad grades)


  • He wants to take a leak Hence , he looks so hurry .
  • (He wants to take a leak. hence, he looks very rushed)
  • She was starved Hence , she was pale .
  • (she was starved . hence, he was pale)

For this reason

  • He can play that game in days without doing anything else For this reason , I call him 'maniac' .
  • (He is able to play this game for days without doing anything. For this reason , I call him a 'maniac')
  • My grandfather always hugs me so hard For this reason , I always hide when he comes to my place .
  • (My grandfather always hugged me tightly. For this reason , I always hide when he comes to my place)
  • He always helps people around him who are in trouble. For this reason, I secretly like him.
  • (He always helps those around him who are in trouble. For this reason , I secretly like him)


  • Momo was allowed to eat cookies for dessert so she was happy.
  • (Momo is allowed to eat cookies for dessert so he's happy)
  • She ate too much this morning , so she fell asleep in the afternoon .
  • (He ate too much this morning , so he fell asleep in the afternoon)
  • He forgot to lock the door , so the burglar could go in easily .
  • (He forgot to lock the door, so the bulglar could go in easily)


  • They never argued about my decisions Therefore , we always ended up as a great team .
  • (They never complain about my decisions. therefore, we always end up as a good team)
  • They play football all day. Therefore, they feel tired.
  • (They play football all day. Therefore , they feel tired)
  • My brother takes a study in New York. Therefore, he needs a passport.
  • (My brother is studying in New York. Therefore , he needs a passport)


1.  Using tenses that are dependent on the context of the time in a sentence, in other words, can be the past tense, present tense, or future tense.

2.  Many use verbs or verbs in active and passive sentences.

3.  Using transitions such as due to, because, consequently, as a result , and causes .

4.  Using third person point of view.


1.  Have a main idea on the topic of sentences that will be covered in the whole paragraph.

2.  Have supporting details or supporting sentences in the form of causes.

3.  End with a concluding sentence or a conclusion in the form of a result.


This is a video about cause and effect :Click Here

Each example and explanation of the sentence below:

1. Because he got stomachache, he didn't attend the exam

Explanation: “Because” (because) in this first example sentence is a “special case” conjunction, because it is placed at the beginning. This conjunction connects "he got stomachache" (he got stomachache) as the effect of the cause, which is "he didn't attend the exam"

2. I'm full, so, I don't eat anymore

Explanation: From this example sentence, we know "I'm full" as the effect, while "I don't eat anymore" is the cause. The cause-effect conjunction in this second example sentence is "so".

3. The timer will start when every guest have come in.

Explanation: The conjunction "when" in the example of the third sentence is used to connect "the timer will start", which is the cause, and "every guest have come in", which is the effect.

4. I need to improve my knowledge; therefore, I want to study that subject.

Explanation: “Therefore” as a cause-effect conjunction in this example sentence is unique, considering that if it is in the middle of a sentence, “therefore” is separated by a semicolon (;).

In the case of this example sentence, “therefore” connects “I need to improve my knowledge” as an effect, and “I want to study that subject” as a cause.

Example of Application of Cause-Effect in Conversation

The reference conversation examples that we will study at this point also use the same guidelines as the previous point regarding examples of applying cause-effect in sentences.

Teacher: Remember, your cake batter will burn when you put it in oven for too long.

Hina: U-ummm…! I'm sorry, Teacher! I was mixing the toppings, so, I didn't notice the oven!

Ciara: * whispers to Sasha * Psssh… Don't you think Hina was digressed because of seeing Kacung over the last few days?

Sasha: * whispers back to Ciara * Hmmm… It could be! After all, I never imagined that the genius Hina will digress as a result of getting mad about a handsome folk!

If we look at the conjunctions from the example conversation above, we will see that they all lie in the middle of cause and effect.

The purpose of this is all to complete some conjunctions that can also be put in the middle, such as "because (of)" and "when", as put in front as in the example sentence in the previous point, and emphasize the remaining conjunctions (i.e. "So" and "as a result (of)") which can only be placed in the middle.

In the first line of the conversation example, we see "when" as the conjunction between "your cake batter will burn" (your cake batter will burn) as the effect and "you put it in oven for too long" (you put it in the oven too long. ) as the cause.

The next line, which is the second line of dialogue in the example conversation, has "so" as the conjunction of "I was mixing the toppings" (I mix the complementary ingredients) as effect and "I didn't notice the oven" (I forgot about oven) as a cause.

In the third line, we see the cause, namely "seeing Kacung over the last few days" (seeing Kacung these days), with the effect, namely "Hina digressed" (Hina digressing) connected by the conjunction "because of" (because) .

Regarding "digress" or digress, this is further referred to again by a different tense in the last line of the example conversation, namely "the genius Hina will digress" (the genius Hina will digress), which is also the effect.

After the conjunction "as a result of" (as a result of), we also see the existence of "getting mad about a handsome folk" (infatuation with a handsome creature) as the cause.

Dialogue me and my friend 

Video conversation:Click Here

N: Hai Ca, how have you been?

R: hi, i'm fine, but my neighbors are not really well

N: oh why?

R: there are two families tested positive for covid.

N: really?! How come?

R: about three days ago, my neighbor Andy is having the covid-19 symptoms after his last visit to Puncak, so he calls the the health center and go for a test.

N: And then?

R: And the results of his test is positive, and today turns out his family is also tested positive.

N: i feel bad for them. And how about the other family?

R: due to the long test results, Andy family is already had contact with the other neighbor before they know that they are positive for covid, and now the neighbor that having contact with Andy's Families is also tested positive for covid.

N: oh my goodness, i hope you and your family are safe Nau. Since so many people in your neighborhood are have been tested positive for covid i think you should just stay at home.

R: yeah of course, you too, stay safe.


Cause : Why Something happened

Effect : What happened 

PAGES 79-81 

Thank you for come and reading my blog. I hope my blog is useful for you.. Goodbye until next blog.

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 Hey, Hey, Hey!!  I'm back again. Now, I'll share with you about the letter. Have you ever write a letter? If I ever made it.  What ...