Kamis, 27 Mei 2021


 Hey, Hey, Hey!! 
I'm back again. Now, I'll share with you about the letter.
Have you ever write a letter? If I ever made it. 
What types there are? 
What is the function? 
So, keep reading my blog~


A letter is a means of communication to convey written information by one party to another with the aim of informing the purpose of the message from the sender. The information provided in the letter is in the form of introductions, notices, assignments, requests, agreements, orders, orders, reports, and decisions. In addition, letters can also contain warnings, reprimands, and awards. Its function includes five things: a means of notification, requests, thoughts, and ideas; written evidence; reminder tool; historical evidence; and work guidelines. In general, stamps and envelopes are needed as a means of paying for shipping services. The further away the destination of the letter is sent, the value listed on the postage must be greater as well.

In the Industrial Era 4.0, physical papers have been replaced with the versatility of telecommunications and the internet. Send messages using electronic mail.

Letter Type

Letters are generally classified into three, namely personal letters, official letters, and commercial letters when viewed in terms of form, content, and language. Meanwhile, if classified based on its use, it can be divided into three, namely personal letters, official letters, and official letters. In the case of submitting an application to leave the position being held, it is also known as a resignation letter.

Personal Letter

Personal letters are letters that are used for personal purposes. Letters can be correspondence among friends or family. The characteristics of a personal letter are:

  • Do not use letterhead
  • No mail number
  • Opening and closing greetings vary
  • The use of free language, according to the wishes of the author
  • Free letter format
  • Official letter

An official letter is a letter used for official purposes, either for individuals, agencies, or organizations; such as invitations, circulars, and notification letters. Characteristics of an official letter:

  • Use letterhead if issued by the organization
  • There is a letter-number, attachment, and subject
  • Use the usual opening and closing greetings
  • Use of various official languages
  • Include a stamp or stamp from an official institution
  • There are standard-format rules

Formal letter parts:


The letterhead consists of:

-Name of agency/institution, written in capital letters/capital letters.

-Address of agency/institution, written with variations of upper and lower case letters

-Agency/institution logo

-Letter number, which is the order in which the letter was sent

-Appendix, contains other sheets that are included in addition to the letter

-Hal, in the form of an outline of the contents of the letter

-The date of the letter (writing on the right is parallel to the letter-number)

-Address to destination (don't use the word to)

-Opener/greeting (ends with a comma)

-Content of letter

The description of the contents in the form of a description of the day, date, time, place, and so on is written in lowercase letters, except for writing based on enhanced spelling (EYD) which must be adjusted.

-cover letter

The cover letter contains




-name (usually accompanied by employee identification number or NIP)

A copy of the letter, in the form of participation/notification to superiors regarding the existence of an activity

Trade letter

Commercial certificates are used for entities that carry out commercial business activities such as industry and service businesses. This letter is very useful in building relationships with outsiders so it must be prepared properly. Commercial documents consist of buying and selling letters, receipts, and trade; and can be divided into internal and external commercial letters. One example of a commercial letter is a letter of offer and a letter of collection.

Official letter

Official letters are used for formal work purposes such as official agencies and office assignments. This letter is important in administrative management in an agency. The function of the official letter is as a written evidence document, a reminder tool related to its function with archives, historical evidence on the development of the agency, and work guidelines in the form of decrees and letters of instruction. Characteristics of the official letter:

  • Using letterhead and the institution or institution concerned
  • Using letter numbers, attachments, and subject
  • Use standard greetings and closings
  • Using standard language or official variety
  • Using the stamp or stamp of the agency or office of the letter maker
  • Specific letter format

Application letter

A job application letter is a letter made and sent by someone who wants to work in an office, company, or certain agency. Job application letters include official or official letters. Therefore, there are certain rules that must be considered in writing. In general, a letter has the following sections:

  • Place and date of writing
  • Reference number
  • Attachment thing or matter
  • Destination address
  • Greetings

The contents of the letter are further divided into three main parts, namely:

  • opening paragraph
  • content of letter
  • closing paragraph
  • closing
  • Signature and full name


Electronic mail or e-mail is a letter whose delivery is based on the use of the internet. Initially, a company called Olt Break and Newman was contracted by the United States Department of Defense to build the ARPANET in 1969. ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network which aims to create a method of communication between educational institutions and the military.

In 1971, Ray Tolimson served on the SNDMSG project which served to send and receive messages on the same machine. Ray initially experimented with SNDMSG to leave messages on the computer so that the CYPNET protocol appeared which was able to send messages to other computers that were still on the ARPANET network. This is what became the forerunner of electronic mail.

In Indonesian, Electronic Mail is often abbreviated as e-mail, which in English is e-mail or electric mail.

To access email, we can choose one way. First by using a browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. The browser-based e-mail usually provides this service for free. The second is with an email access program such as Microsoft Outlook. The advantage is that we don't always have to open the internet to open existing emails.


Full straight shape ( Full block Style) 

A full straight shape is a form of letter writing that starts from the left side of the paper. Writing begins with a description of the date, closing remarks, until the word attachment.

Straight shape ( Block Style )

Writing a letter with a straight shape starts from the left margin of the paper. The use of straight shapes is practical and makes typing easier. The weakness of straight forms is the use of a lot of paper if the contents of the letter are long enough.

Half straight shape

Writing a semi-straight letter is similar to writing a straight letter. The difference in writing is only in the content of the letter. Writing starts with five taps on the left side of the paper. In addition, the paragraphs are not spaced.

Writing technique


Letter writing begins with drafting a concept. Writing the concept is determined based on the form of the letter. After that, a letter statement was written and continued with the determination of the main themes and problems to be conveyed. The theme is then broken down into the opening, core, and closing paragraphs.


Letters can be used for the following purposes:

  • As a representative of the author or agency as the sender with the aim of communicating with other individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • As a basis and guidance in work.
  • As written evidence that is authentic and clear and has legal force.
  • As a backup reminder or archive for certain purposes.
  • As important historical documents in the past or contain information about the development and change of an organization.
  • As a guarantee of security against an activity.
I made an explain video about a letter, you can watch on youtube. And if you still understood you can watch recomendation video on below. 

This is my recomendation youtube video for you. 

My Letter to God, 


I read this letter via youtube video too, you can watch (γ₯ ̄ ³ ̄)γ₯

Click Here

Conclution : 
A Letter is thing to communicate person to person or person to party. 

A letter has types, depends on for who or for what. There are, personal letter, trade letter, and official letter. 

You can make a letter, with letter form. 

So, that's all of me. Thank you, to read my blog until end. See you in the next blog ((*^▽^*))


 Hello! I'm back again.
So in this blog, I'll write my experience with English work. 

Before it, I'll share you about short story.

The Last Leaf is a short story from one of Sir O. Henry's works.

Therefore, we will discuss what a short story is first. To be more clear, let's see the explanation below.



A short story is a story that is fully developed but shorter than a novel and longer than a fable. A short story (short story) has a problem that is simple and not as complex as the problem in a novel story so that this story can be read in just a few minutes. Short stories focus on larger or smaller issues and focus on building strong feelings from the readers. Short stories, just like novels, have several characters in the storyline (plot).


Meaning and Function

A short story tells about one aspect of a character's life. This aspect of life can be an event, a picture of a feeling, or a simple action in the life of a character. Short stories can also influence or even inspire readers. Short stories can be an alternative for friends who don't like to read long stories like novels. Short stories, in addition, have characters who share their thoughts, motivations, feelings, emotions and ideas.



In general, short stories have elements that are almost the same as stories in general. The following are the elements of a short story (short story).

> Character

A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part as the main character in a short story or other part.

> Settings

The setting of a short story can be divided into 3 parts: setting of place and setting of time. The setting of a place can be a description of a place, for example a description of a land, a landscape, a season, or the weather to provide a strong background image of a place. While the time setting can be in the form of a picture of the atmosphere in the morning marked by the crowing of the rooster or the sunrise, the atmosphere of a pitch black night or the moon shining in the middle of the dark night, and so on.

> Plot

Plot is a series of events and actions of characters that relate to the main conflict in a story.

> Conflict

Conflict is a struggle between two people or other characters in a short story. The main character/character generally sided with one side of the conflict at hand. On the other hand, the main character struggles against other important characters in the short story, struggles against the forces of the universe, faces society, or even faces something within himself (with his feelings, emotions, or illness).

> Theme

Theme is the main idea / overall idea of ​​a short story.


Tips for Making Short Stories

Writing a short story is like writing any other fictional story. The most important thing is that we know how to write a good short story because by being able to write a good short story, we can develop the story into a novel or other fictional story. To be able to sharpen skills in writing short stories, friends can try to write a short story within 2 weeks. By diligently writing, you will be familiar with the written language and can improve skills in writing short stories. In addition, you also need to know some of the following tips in writing a short story.

- Don't get artsy

In writing a short story, try not to write too many parable words. Adding a few figurative words can enhance your writing. On the other hand, if you write too many figurative words, parables, or analogies, your story will be difficult for readers to understand because not all readers will understand the figurative words or parables you write.

- Share only what's critical to the moment

The thing to remember when writing short stories is not to focus too much on writing the background story of an event. The thing that readers want is that they get an understanding of an event in the short story with a sufficient portion and when the readers really need the information in order to understand the events in the story well.

- Get right into the heart of the conflict

In short stories, don't spend your time making the setting or explaining the main character's thoughts. What should be done is to attract the hearts of the readers by showing every conflict scene in the story.

- Build to the climax efficiently

In writing a short story, you have to build the flow efficiently. Every paragraph, every sentence, and every word need to be considered in order to bring the reader to the climax of the story. If there is a part of the story that does not lead to the climax, it is better not to include that part in the story.

- Have a clear conclusion

A good story must have a clear ending / conclusion. Therefore, make sure that the ending of the story you write has clarity so that it is easy for readers to understand.

Click Here to watch my youtube video


The Last Leaf 

    Many artists lived in Greenwich Village in New York City. Sue and Johnsy, two artists, also lived there in a studio apartment. Their rooms were at the top of an old building in Greenwich Village. 

    In November, it was very cold and with it a cold unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked the city, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. The city fingers of Pneumonia also touched Johns. She was very ill, lying in her bed and not moving at all. A doctor visited her every day But Johnsy was not getting better. One morning, the doctor spoke to Sue outside Johnsy's room.

    "I can't help her", the doctor said. "She is very sad and has no desire to live. Someone must make her happy again. What is she interested in?" "She is an artist," Sue replied."She wants to paint a picture of Bay of Naples." 

"Painting!" said the doctor. "That won't help her!"

    Sue was distressed by this news and didn't know what to do to help Johnsy. She went into the workroom and cried and then she swaggered into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling ragtime. Johnsy lay silently in her bed with her face towards the window. Sue stopped whistling, thinking Johnsy was asleep.

    Sue arranged her board and began drawing to illustrate a magazine story. As Sue was sketching a figure of a hero, an Idaho cowboy, she heard a low sound,

several times repeated. She went quickly to the bedside. Johnsy's eyes were open wide. She was looking out the window and

counting-counting backward. "Twelve," she said, and a little later "eleven"; and then "ten," and "nine"; and then

"eight" and "seven", almost together.

    Sue looked out of the window wondering what was there to count. There was only a bare, dreary yard to be seen and the blank side of the brick house twenty feet away. An old, old ivy vine, gnarled and decayed at the roots, climbed halfway up the brick wall. The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung, almost bare, to the crumbling bricks.

"What is it, dear?" asked Sue. "Six," said Johnsy, in almost a whisper. "They're falling faster now. 

    Three days ago there were almost a hundred. My head ached when I was counting them but now it's easy. There goes another one. There are only five left now." "Five what, dear? Tell me."

"Leaves on the ivy vine. When the last one falls I must go, too. I've known that for three days. Didn't the doctor tell you?"

"Oh, I never heard of such nonsense, complained Sue, with magnificent scorn. "What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well? Try to sleep," said Sue. "I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner. I'll not be gone a minute. Don't try to move 'till coming back."

    Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor of the same building. He was sixty years old and had always dreamed of painting a masterpiece, but unfortunately, he could not fulfill his dream until now. Sue found Behrman in his dimly lighted apartment sitting in his chair. She told him of Johnsy's condition. Old Behrman, with his red eyes, plainly streaming, shouted his contempt and derision for such idiotic imaginings.

    Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to the windowsill and motioned Behrman into the other room. In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other for a moment without speaking. A persistent, cold rain was falling, mingled with snow. When Sue awoke from an hour's sleep the next morning, she found Johnsy with dull, wide-open eyes staring at the drawn green shade.

    "Pull it up: I want to see," she ordered, in a whisper. Wearily Sue obeyed. "It is the last one," said Johnsy. It will fall today, and I shall die at the same time." "Dear, dear!" said Sue, leaning her worn face down to the pillow, "think of me, if you won't think of yourself. What would I do?" But Johnsy did not answer. The leaf stayed on the vine all day. That night, there was more wind and rain. When it was light enough, Johnsy commanded that the shade be raised. The Ivy leaf was still there.

    "I've been a foolish girl, Sue," said Johnsy. "I wanted to die but the last leaf stayed on the vine to teach me a lesson. Please bring me some soup now. "You know Sue, someday I hope to paint the Bay of Naples."

    The doctor visited the girls in the afternoon. "Take good care of your friend," he said. "She is going to get well. Now I have to go downstairs, I have to visit Mr. Behrman. He has pneumonia too. I must send him to the hospital."

    Nutrition and care now that's all." And that afternoon Sue came to the bed where The next day, the doctor said to Sue: "She's out of danger. You won. Johnsy lay, contentedly knitting a woolen shoulder scarf. "I have something to tell you, dear," she said. "Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. He was ill for only two days. The janitor found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain. His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. They couldn't imagine where he had been on such a dreadful night. And then they found a lantern, still lighted, and a ladder that had been dragged from its place, and some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it, and look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it's Behrman's masterpiece-he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell."


Conclusion and Opinion

What a great short story! 

This story is full of meaning. Love, sacrifice, hope, belief, and pessimism.

Sue and Johnsy are friends, but one day Johnsy is sick, and Sue takes care of him. Johnsy is pessimistic that she will die. 

Mr. Berhman, the old man has the same illness as Johnsy. He wants to paint and finally create a masterpiece but he died.


This is my short story. 


The world has been hit by a virus pandemic. Covid-19.

So, for some time we have to stay at home.

For example, study and work from home.

My mother is a private employee, in a hospital. Early in the pandemic, he rarely worked in person. But now, it's as usual.

My father is not working, he is very sick. So I take care of it at home.

Sometimes, my mother always leaves messages.

Mother: "Sister, I don't cook. I'll just buy food later, or cook noodles," said my mother, handing me a piece of money.

Me: "Yes, ma'am," I replied, taking the money.

After that He worked, and I studied.

And also, he said

Mother: "Later, dry the laundry," my mother and I said yes.

I'm used to helping my mother, every afternoon I sweep, mop, wash dishes. But I'm bothered if I have to take care of my father.

Me: "Mom, I'm tired of taking care of it," I don't remember what he said. But now, my mother's brother helps me to take care of dad, sometimes I help take care of dad a little bit, if I'm not tired all day.


So, that's all of me. I hope this Story makes you a motivation to help someone or anything else.
Goodbye, see you in the next blog. 


Kamis, 29 April 2021


So, in this blog. I'll share with you the biography text. 
What is biography? 


Understanding Biography According to Experts

According to experts, the notion of biography has several perspectives and meanings. Here's their opinion.

1. Nugraha and Riyadi

The definition of a biographical text according to Nugraha (2013) and Riyadi (2014) is to contain the story of a person's life history, then the story is written into writing.

2. Wahono

This is different from Wahono's opinion, who defines a biographical text as a factual story. Where the story is written based on the facts presented by the author.

So what are the forms of these facts? For example, in the form of the person's privileges, good performance, ideology, and other achievements.

3. Istiqomah

According to Istiqomah (2015), a biographical text is a life history of a person who is told through writing. Istiqomah also mentions that the author of this type of text is in the third person. The writer is the one who owns the copyright for the written character's work. Meanwhile, the character was written as a resource.

4. Mahsun

Meanwhile, according to Mahsun, a biographical text is a narrative text which has the ultimate goal of telling the life stages of a person that contains facts, the life history of the character. As for what needs to be conveyed in writing biographical texts, for example, issues of privileges, family background, identity, organizational history, and things that are achievements that have been achieved.


The characteristics of biographical texts are of several kinds. Here are the various characteristics.

1. Loading Facts

The characteristics of a biographical text contain facts. Indeed, the form of facts is not only about statistical data. But the facts of the character's experience are written down. In other words, writing a biography is not written because of fiction, but because it talks about data

2. Having Conflict Problems

Another characteristic is that the biographical text contains conflict problems. Biographical texts contain real trips, which contain problems, conflicts, or obstacles. From this problem, the story of this biographical journey is interesting to follow.

It is also starting from this problem, readers can also learn from experience, wisdom, and solutions. Who knows, these solutions may be of benefit to readers out there.

3. The existence of learning messages

A good biographical text should have a constructive learning message for the reader. The reason why the characters' stories are written in this text is none other than to provide learning on experiences and every decision that has been passed.

4. Have a Clear Structure or Time Frame

Another important characteristic is having a clear structure. So for those of you who want to write a biography, make sure the structure is well conceptualized.

When writing a biographical text, the writer must be observant in recording the series of years and processes. A coherent structure certainly makes it easy for readers to understand the message conveyed.

5. History of Someone's Life Experience

Another characteristic can be marked by the way of narrating it. The narrative emphasizes the historical experience of the character. That's why the average person who is written in a biography is a great person, people who have had life experiences that have changed people's viewpoints.

6. Have Place Settings

Even though it tells the real-life experience of someone. It is also important to indicate the place setting. The setting of this place can be in different places, depending on the story of the character or source. Because after all, setting the place is one of the mandatory features.


Biographical text structure if applied in the world of writing, there are three parts that need to be underlined. What are they? Immediately, let's look at the reviews as follows.

1. Orientation

The orientation series contains an intro or introduction to the character being raised. The introduction should be written in general. For example, the focus is on discussing the character's family background, name of the character, educational history, and place of residence. Of course, from the data obtained, it is written in a narrative.

2. Events and Problems

Events and problems contain the sequence of events experienced by the characters raised. Also write down experiences that have been experienced, accompanied by problems or conflicts. Apart from writing down experiences, problems, or conflicts, it is very important to write down the solutions faced by the characters.

3. Reorientation

Reorientation refers more to the writer's response to the character raised. Of course, the author's response is about the characters he writes about.

From the three biographical structures above, it was denied by Mulyadi (2016), that in the writing of this text there was no absolute structure. The arrangement still depends on how the writer wants to describe the events of the character.

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When discussing the elements of a biographical text, there are actually many things. For example, there are elements of conjunctions, word references, events, times, places and much more. The full review can be seen as follows.

1. Conjunctions

When viewed from the linguistic elements and linguistic rules of the biographical text, conjunctions are an element that needs to be mastered. Conjunction plays a role in connecting one word to another so that it is formed into a sentence.

A collection of sentences with other sentences will later form a paragraph. A collection of paragraphs from one paragraph to another will form a written work or text work. Wherefrom the process of forming words and sentences, conjunctions are needed. The conjunctions act as conjunctions for words in a sentence. If the conjunction is a liaison, then the conjunction is called an intra calimat conjunction.

The form of the intra calimat conjunction is characterized by words like and, but, then, then, and many more. So for those of you who want to connect sentences with each other so that they can coincide with each other, you can use one of these words.

2. Word reference

Have you ever heard a word reference? Word references are used to refer to words that have previously been done. There are also various word reference models used, there are nouns and place references. In fact, there are also people referencing words.

Examples of noun references, often use words like this, that, and that. while for the word referencing place, more often use the word here, there, there, and many others. while the word reference shows people can use their words, he, he, he and many more.

3. Events Time and Place

The linguistic elements in biographical texts that are no less important are the events of time and place. The function of the importance of time and place events is nothing but to refer to an event or incident, time and place that the character has already experienced.

Where these events and places become memorable moments for most people. that's why there are more biographies about great figures. The results of sales in the market are in demand. Meanwhile, for people who do not have a big influence, books are less attractive to the market, because consumers do not know who the character is written.

4. Verbs

In the linguistic element of biographical texts, verbs are also called verbs. Verbs can also be interpreted as groups of words that tell a character's journey and story. Well, it turns out that the elements of the verb itself are divided by form and based on type.


It turns out that this type of text has several kinds as follows.

1. Biographical Text in Accordance with Writing Permit

Biographical texts based on writing permission are further divided into several types, namely Authorized Biography and Unauthorized Biography.

Authors who get permission from the written character are called an authorized biography. while biographies that are not licensed or without the knowledge of the figures appointed are referred to as unauthorized biography.

2. Based on the contents

Apart from being based on the author's permission, it turns out that there are also types based on the content. There are two aspects to content when writing a biography. The first aspect of the journey of life, of course, what is written in the biography is only important information.

3. Career journey

Biographical texts can also be made on the basis of the character's career journey. For example, the character tells of a struggle, someone's hard work in reaching their dreams.

4. Based on the Issues Reviewed

Writing a biography is written according to the data and facts experienced by the characters. One that is no less important is seeing the aspects of the problem to be written about. There are three aspects, which include political biographies, intellectual biographies, and journalistic biographies.

So, what is meant by political biography? It is said to be a political biography because the character in the story of his life is involved in politics. There are also figures who focus on intellectual biographies, which are related to work/works that are not far from intellectual. Likewise in the aspect of journalistic biographies, of course discussing the world of literacy and news.

5. Based on the publisher

Biographical texts can also be categorized into two aspects of the publisher. There are self-publishing publishers and majors.


A self-publishing publisher is a publisher that provides book printing services at the expense of the author. Publishers also do not interfere with the sale of books that have been printed.

Major publisher

Biographical texts can also be published through major publishers. Where major publishers will free writers from the book's print load. The author will also get royalties from the sale. Regarding sales, it will also be handled by the major issuer.

Those are some of these types of text. After knowing some of these types, it is also important that you know their benefits, which will be discussed as follows.


If previously discussed about the meaning, structure, and linguistic elements of biographical texts, there are other benefits. Maybe you are curious, what are the benefits of biographical texts? Here are some of the benefits that will be felt.

1. Get to know the characters

Whether we realize it or not, the benefits of biographical texts will get to know the characters that are written more closely. There is a saying, do not know then do not love. That's the benefit of writing biographical texts. We can learn the life journey and struggles of a character.

2. Exemplary Learning

Besides that, we will also learn about the exemplary figures of a character. As a biography, of course, there are points and examples to convey to readers. For example, exemplary in facing life, and being a respected figure and so on.

3. Build Motivation

When reading a biographical text, whether you realize it or not, you actually learn a lot about motivation. For example, motivation to achieve dreams, motivation to face life and much more. Talking about motivation, there are two motivational drives, namely encouragement from outside and encouragement from within oneself.

4. Understand the Decisions of Figures in BIography

As a biographical textbook, in terms of messages and ideas, it will emphasize the point of view of the character. So that it is possible that many different perspectives and ideas are still emerging. including differences in thoughts with yours as the reader.

So, seeing this, at least by reading biographical texts or writing biographical texts trains to be more tolerant. Make it easy also to understand decisions, as well as respect and respect the shop.

5. Analytical Thinking

When reading biographical texts, we will also be invited to think critically. When reading biographies, our nerve cells will be stimulated to carry out thought processes. Indeed, everyone thinks differently. Depending on the capture of the information obtained.

6. More Respect for the Life Process

Every time you read a biographical text, the reader will learn to appreciate the process of life. Both live others and live yourself. the process of learning to accept the process of life, will indirectly give a sense of self-acceptance and give birth to gratitude.


Kartini was born into an aristocratic Javanese family when Java was part of the Dutch colony of the Dutch East Indies. Kartini's father Sosroningrat became Regency Chief of Jepara. Kartini's father was originally the district chief of Mayong. Her mother Ngasirah was the daughter of Madirono and a religious teacher at Telukawur. She was his first wife but not the most important one. At this time, polygamy was a common practice among the nobility. Colonial regulations required a regency chief to marry a member of the nobility. Since Ngasirah was not of sufficiently high nobility,[3] Sosroningrat married a second time to Woerjan (Moerjam), a direct descendant of the Raja of Madura. After this second marriage, Kartini's father was elevated to Regency Chief of Jepara, replacing his second wife's father, Tjitrowikromo.

Kartini was the fifth child and second-eldest daughter in a family of eleven, including half-siblings. She was born into a family with a strong intellectual tradition. Her grandfather, Pangeran Ario Tjondronegoro IV, became a regency chief at the age of 25, while Kartini's older brother Sosrokartono was an accomplished linguist. Kartini's family allowed her to attend school until she was 12 years old. Here, among other subjects, she learned Dutch, an unusual accomplishment for Javanese women at the time.[4] After she turned 12 she was secluded (pingit) at home, which was a common practice among young female Javanese nobles, to prepare them for wedlock. During seclusion, girls were not allowed to leave their parents' house until they were married, after which the authority over them was transferred to their husbands. Kartini's father was more lenient than some during his daughter's seclusion, giving her such privileges as embroidery lessons and occasional appearances in public for special events.

Letter by Kartini to Rosa Abendanon (fragment)

During her seclusion, Kartini continued to self-educate herself. She was fluent in Dutch and acquired several Dutch pen friends. One of which, was a girl named Rosa Abendanon, who later became a close friend of her. Books, newspapers, and European magazines fed Kartini's interest in European feminist thinking and fostered the desire to improve the conditions of indigenous Indonesian women, which at the time had a very low social status.

Kartini's reading included the Semarang newspaper, to which she began to send contributions that were published. Before she was 20 she had read Max Havelaar and Love Letters by Multatuli. She also read De Stille Kracht (The Hidden Force) by Louis Couperus, the works of Frederik van Eeden, Augusta de Witt, the Romantic-Feminist author Cecile Goekoop-de Jong van Beek en Donk,[5] and an anti-war novel by Berta von SuttnerDie Waffen Nieder! (Lay Down Your Arms!). All were in Dutch.

Kartini was not only concerned with the emancipation of women, but also with other problems of her society. Kartini saw that the struggle for women to obtain their freedom, autonomy, and legal equality was just part of a wider movement.

Marriage, death, and legacy[edit]

Kartini's parents arranged her marriage to Joyodiningrat, the Regency Chief of Rembang, who had already married three wives. She was wed on 12 November 1903. She detested the marriage proposal at first, but her husband understood Kartini's aspirations and allowed her to establish a women's school on the eastern porch of Rembang's Regency Office complex. Kartini's only child was born on September 13, 1904. A few days later on 17 September 1904, Kartini died at the age of 25. She was buried at Bulu Village, Rembang.

Inspired by R.A. Kartini's example, the Van Deventer family established the R.A. Kartini Foundation which built schools for women, 'Kartini's Schools' in Semarang in 1912, followed by other women's schools in SurabayaYogyakartaMalangMadiunCirebon, and other areas.

Commemoration of Kartini Day in 1953

In 1964, President Sukarno declared R.A. Kartini's birth date, 21 April, as "Kartini Day"—an Indonesian national holiday. This decision has been criticized. It has been proposed that Kartini Day should be celebrated in conjunction with Indonesian Mothers’ Day on 22 December. So R.A. Kartini as a national heroine does not overshadow women who took arms to oppose the Dutch.

In contrast, those who recognize the significance of R.A. Kartini argue that not only was she an intellectual who elevated the status of Indonesian women, she was also a nationalist figure with modern ideas, who struggled on behalf of her people and played a role in the national struggle for independence.

This is a video example from youtube


Biography text is a detailed description of a person's life and written by someone else, it is a non-fiction text. Biography has two types, there are short biography and long biography. 

Short biography has the name of the person, date of birth, profession, and etc.

Biography text has many benefits, there are made a person who read motivation. 

This is my youtube video :

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Kamis, 22 April 2021

Vanity, What is Thy Price?

In this blog, i'll share you a script and at the same time dramatizing it.

*M. Al fikri as Monsieur Loisel 
*Raisa Fitri as Madame Loisel 
*Naurah/ me as Madame Forestier.

 Vanity and Pride 

Madame Loisel was a pretty girl born into a poor family. She had no expectations  and she felt so trapped by her situation that she married a little clerk in a goverment office. Her tastes were simple because she had never been able to  afford any other, but she was as unhappy as though she had married beneath her  status; for women have no caste or class, their beauty, grace, and charm serving  them for birth or family. She suffered endlessly, feeling herself born for every delicacy and luxury. She suffered from the poorness of her house, from its bare  walls, worn chairs, and ugly curtains.

Scene 1

MONSIEUR LOISEL: Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you. MADAME LOISEL Really, what is the surprise?

MONSIEUR LOISEL: See for yourself.

(He places the invitation on the table.)

Swiftly she tears open the envelop and draws out a printed card and reads out

"The Minister and Madame Ramponneau

request the pleasure of the company of Monsieur and Madame Loisel

at the Ministry on the evening of Monday, January the eighteenth."

MONSIEUR LOISEL: Isn't it wonderful?

MADAME LOISEL :What do you mean? What can I do with it?

(She tosses the invitation onto the table.)

MADAME LOISEL: I have nothing suitable to wear to this glamorous occasion.

MONSIEUR LOSEL : Why.. Why, you can wear your theater gown, of course. It's really quite suitable.

[Madame Loisel breaks into tears.]

MONSIEUR LOISEL: What's the matter? Why are you crying?

MADAME LOISEL : I'll be humiliated in that old gown. It's so tottered and completely out of style. I can't go to the ball wearing that rag.

[Monsieur Loisel paces and thinks.]

MONSIEUR LOISEL: There must be a way! How much do you think a suitable gown would cost? Something very simple but elegant as well, of course.

MADAME LOISEL : I'm not too sure, but maybe 400 francs. I've been saving and I think I have just about 400 francs, you could take it to buy a gown.

Scene 2:

MONSIEUR LOISEL : You make any dress come to life, my dear How ravishing you look!

MADAME LOISEL : [Pouting and whining] But I'll be disgraced!

MONSIEUR LOISEL: Disgraced? What can you possibly mean? You will be the most beautiful woman there!

MADAME LOISEL: You just don't understand! It's so annoying! I don't have a single piece of jewelry to wear with my gown.

MONSIEUR LOISEL:  There is one thing, one possibility that you've forgotten

MADAME LOISEL : [sniffs.] What's that?

MONSIEUR LOISEL : Your old classmate! Madome Jeanne Forestier! She is really well off. I'm sure she would be willing to lend you some of her jewelry!

MADAME LOISEL: [Her sniffs turn into laughter and joy.] Of coursel I can borrow something suitable from Jeanne Thank you, darling


Madame Loisel was absolutely smashing! She was prettier than any of the other women: elegant, graceful, smiling and wild with joy. Everyone noticed her, and her husband's boss seemed to want every dance with her!

Scene 3:

MADAME LOISEL : (Looking in mirror.)

Oh my God! Oh no, oh no I have. Oh my God, this can not happen!

MONSIEUR LOISEL:  What?What is it?

MADAME LOISEL : I have lost Madame Forestier's necklace

MONSIEUR LOISEL: can't be truelt's impossible!

[They begin frantically searching through their coats and clothes, and on the floor.]

MADAME LOISEL: Oh God, help us!

MONSIEUR LOISEL : It must be here somewhere Necklaces don't just evaporate.

[Madame Loisel begins weeping and sobbing as she searches.]

MONSIEUR LOISEL: I shall go back on foot, over the entire route to see whether or not I can find it. 

[He rushes out. Madame Loisel sinks into a chair, sobbing. After more than an hour he comes back.]

MADAME LOISEL: Did you find it? Tell me! Did you?

MONSIEUR LOISEL : [Remains silent]

MADAME LOISEL : Did you find it or not?

MONSIEUR LOISEL:  I am afraid not.

Scene 4:


Madame Loisel didn't tell Madame Forestier that she lost her necklace and she chose to replace it. The replacement cost them everything. Madame Loisel came to know the ghastly life of abject poverty. Their previous life seemed downright luxurious compared to what they had now.

MONSIEUR LOISEL: Matildo, my love. I have made the last payment on our debt. We have nothing left for ourselves, but at least we are free from the loan of 20,000 francs.

MADAME LOISEL : Free at last.

MONSIEUR LOISEL: Look! Isn't that Madame Forestier over there? You have not spoken to her since that day. 

Go talk to her. 

MADAME LOISEL:  Uh... Hello. Good day.

MADAME FORESTIER: You must have mistaken me for someone else. Excuse me please... 

MADAME LOISEL : Jeanne, don't you recognize me? It's me, Matilda.

MADAME FORESTIER: Matilda? But it can't be. You look so worn and old. 

MADAME LOISEL: No really, it's me. I' ve changed because I have had to endure ten hard years of manual labor, scrubbing floors and taking in laundry.

MADAME FORESTIER: My dear, what could have happened to make you do that?

 MADAME LOISEL :It was your necklace, or rather my desire to be elegant, that caused this.

MADAME FORESTIER: But how is that possible? I have the necklace. I wore it to the theater just the other night.

MADAME LOISEL :The necklace you have is actually just a replacement. I'm afraid that I lost yours. We borrowed money to purchase a replacement and have spent the past ten years paying off the debt, but today, we have made the last payment. off the amount needed to replace the necklace?

MADAME FORESTIER: Ten years? Surely it could not have taken that long to pay

off the amount needed ti reolace thr necklace?

MADAME LOISEL :What do you mean? 

MADAME FORESTIER: Mine was a fake; the replacement should have cost you nothing more than 500 francs. Oh, my poor, poor, dear Matilda

This is my drama video Vanity and Pride:

 Click Here


Have you ever borrowed something and lost it? 
How did you try to find it? 
Write in your blog!

My answer : yes I ever, and I told him that it was lost and replaced it with the same thing or with money

So, we can learned from this story that we should honest and to be responsible. 


 Hey, Hey, Hey!!  I'm back again. Now, I'll share with you about the letter. Have you ever write a letter? If I ever made it.  What ...